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Geophysics is an earth sciences branch that uses principles of physics (seismic, electric, magnetic, gravity etc.) to image and to characterize the material properties of the subsurface. The exploration of earth resources such as oil, natural gas, coal, ore deposits, industrial minerals, geothermal resources and underground water can be accomplished by using  geophysical techniques. Thus, geophysics can contribute greatly to the economic prosperity and well being of nations. Since Turkey is located along a seismically active  belt, the study of earthquakes is very important for us. Seismology is a sub-branch of geophysics. The study of earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, ground properties, non-destructive testing of structures, delineation of buried archeological sites are among many topics that geophysics encompasses.

Our department was established in 1997 and we have both undergraduate and graduate (MSc & PhD) programs. We also offer a double-major program with the departments of Civil  and Environmental Engineering. We have a total of 12 faculty members and researchers. Our students can study abroad for one term through the European Union’s ERASMUS program.

Our department has been accredited by both national and international agencies such as MÜDEK and EUR-ACE and the diplomas of our students are recognized throughout the World.

As a geophysics department our mission is to educate students who: can contribute to the development of our country, can find effective solutions to complex problems, can innovate, have self-confidence, can stay up-to-date, can adopt to new technological advances, can think analytically, can work in a team and in interdisciplinary environments, can have good communication skills, and have high ethical standards. 


Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Murat UTKUCU
Department Head